Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I wanted to link to an article in the Feb. 2007 edition of Bluff Magazine, but unfortunately for whatever reason it isn't on the web site. Looks like they're behind. However, I may have found a better article that plays to my point even more.

In short, the article written by an author whose name I can't remember (I have the print version of the mag and of course I don't have it right in front of me) talked about bluffing a form of advertising, setting people up for later success and when and when not to use it and who to use it against and who to not use it against. Niman Kenkre's article actually compliments that article because it adds one more dimension: bluffing when you smell weakness.

This was a well-played hand by Kenkre. He knew exactly what the other guy had and exploited him for it. It takes a couple of things below the belt to make a play like that with absolutely nothing. In fact, you can only do that when you put the other person on absolutely nothing. Bluffs are overused in today's game (I'm guilty of that sometimes), but knowing when to do it and when not to do it are critical for long-term success.

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