Sunday, July 20, 2008

Phil Laak

Phil Laak and I have the same problem.

We're both "pay-off wizards".

On a positive note, I have cashed or won four out of five sit n gos for a total profit of $350. Me likey.

In my latest 3rd place finish I ran into aces in two out of three hands against two different opponents (the first time I flopped a two piece only to get counterfeited), dropping me from chip leader to outtie. Me no likey but anytime I cash is good I guess.

I'm aiming at building enough roll to play in the FTOPS Event #1, which has a $200K guarantee. Will I? Maybe, either that or I'll over-extend myself to play in it. I'd say odds of me playing are at 2-1.

More later.

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